

Institute for;
against; with;
Strategic Things

A Think and Thing Tank for Strategic Complexities in the Realm of the Arts, Culture, Business, and Nature.

What, for;

Strategic Literacy, for People;

Organizational, Individual, Corporate (Un-)Learning; Coaching; Seminars; Interventions; Offsites; Plena; Academies; Offspaces; Residencies;

I;SD has set itself the goal of strengthening strategic literacy. Strategic literacy refers to strategic knowledge that is habitualized in thought and action and is, therefore, of significant importance for strategic work of individuals, teams, and organizations.

In operations, we often encounter outdated models and methods. These approaches, which fail to address the challenges of the naturecultural, socioeconomic, and technoimaginative worlds, are in need of a fundamental re-thinking and -re-doing. 

Therefore, the transfer of new scientific findings into practice is a central concern of I;SD. To empower people to shape this change actively, current research results are conveyed in operational-strategic translation in corporate (un-)learning formats.

Strategic Things, for Entities;

Consulting; Advisory; Research; Foundations for Decisions; Critical Evaluation; Issue Seismography; Strategy Mapping; Process Curation;

I;SD represents a cross-disciplinary consulting approach in which areas of tension and potential in strategy between management, demands of different stakeholder segments, and lived organizational culture are identified and mapped.

Strategic Things can be understood as reifying strategic imaginaries, narratives, organizational identity, culture, aesthetics, heritage, stakeholder relationships, and positioning.

Every tailored I;SD consulting process goes through iterative phases of deepsourced research and analysis, conception, design, and development of naturecultural and intraactive strategies.

Who, with;

Johanna Kirschbauer
Managing Director, Co-Founder

Konstantin D. Haensch
Partner, Founder